Thursday 23 February 2017


Reactive attachment disorder can develop when a child fails to receive adequate comfort and nurturing from caregivers. It is grouped under " TRAUMA-AND-STRESSOR RELATED DISORDERS. "

   An essential feature is that the child exhibits an absent or grossly underdeveloped level of attachment towards caregiving adults compared to what is normal or expected. For example, An infant or very young child would be observed as rarely or minimally turning to their adult caregivers for comfort, support, protection, or nurturance.
    Children with reactive attachment disorder are believed to have the capacity to form selective attachments; that can explain child's failure to form a secure relationship with parents or other caregivers.
    # They handle their emotions independently.
    # Do not look for or reach for caregivers for support, nurturance, or protection.
    # Lack a preferred attachment figure.
    # Lack an interest in playing interactive games.
    # Will not ask questions.
    # Will not respond reciprocally. For example; if a parent were to go to comfort their child when he/she is distressed, the child may appear confused, aloof, or fail to hug the adult back. The child may fail to reach out when picked up.
Essentially, the child has not learned to accept or expect a comforting response. As such they may show absent expression of positive emotions during routine interactions with caregivers (e.g., fail to smile). They may have difficulty regulating distressing emotions, resulting in their displaying pervasive patterns of negative emotions, such as, fear, sadness, or irritability in instances in which it is uncalled for.
A diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder should not be made in children who are developmentally unable to form selective attachments. For this reason, the child must have a developmental age of at least 9 months.