Friday 3 February 2017


    Personality psychology is concerned with enduring patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion commonly referred to as personality in individuals.
    According to Freud, personality is based on the dynamic interactions of the ID, EGO, and SUPER- EGO. Raymond Cattel proposed a theory of 16 personality factors.

   Jungian personality typologies, which draw on the theories developed by Carl Gustav Jung (1875- 1916) , a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist and a pioneer of the depth psychology approach. He developed a concept which is highly familiar to us today: the division of people into extroverts and introverts. In addition, he distinguished four personality functions, which form two opposing pairs: SENSING - INTUITION and THINKING - FEELING. He also established that one function is dominant in each pair. He became convinced that each and every person's dominant functions are fixed and independent of external conditions and that, together, what they form is a personality type.
    By Jung, the three dimensions described, namely, EXTRAVERSION - INTROVERSION, SENSING - INTUITION, AND THINKING - FEELING. In 1942 American , psychologist, three dimensional model to include a fourth : JUDGING - PERCEIVING. A four dimensional path, terming those dimensions the FOUR NATURAL INCLINATIONS.
    These inclinations are dichotomous in nature and the picture they provide gives us information regarding a person's personality type. Analysis of the first inclination is intended to determine the dominant SOURCE OF LIFE ENERGY, this being either the exterior or the interior world. Analysis of the second inclination defines the DOMINANT MODE OF ASSIMILATING INFORMATION, which occurs via the senses or via intuition. Analysis of the third inclination supplies a description of the DECISION MAKING MODE, where either mind or heart is dominant, while analysis of the fourth inclination produces a definitions of the dominant LIFESTYLE as either organised or spontaneous. The combination of all these natural inclinations results in SIXTEEN POSSIBLE PERSONALITY TYPES.

    In the next topic we'll know which of the sixteen personality types is yours ?


Thursday 2 February 2017


Hi friends,
     Today's our topic is psychology, very interesting subject. Maximum people don't know what is psychology ? They don't know what does psychologist do? So today we'll try to understand psychology.
     Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behavior: how we think,feel,act and interact individually and in groups.

     Psychology is a science and psychologist study  human behavior by observing, measuring and testing. Applied psychologist help people with all sorts of problems, working with them to bring about change for the better.

     British psychological society recognizes several areas of psychology in which it is possible to become a chartered psychology:
     * Clinical Psychologist
     * Counselling Psychologist
     * Educational Psychologist
     * Forensic Psychologist
     * Health Psychologist
     * Neuropsychologist
     * Occupational Psychologist
     * Sport and exercise Psychologist
     * Teacher and researchers in psychology.

     Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in both individuals and groups, while also exploring the psychological and neurobiological processes that underlie certain functions and behaviors.

     Psychology incorporates methodological and theoretical approches from the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities.

     Psychological knowledge is applied to understanding and solving problems in many different spheres of human activity, including the assessment and treatment of mental health problems.

     Psychologists work all around us in places such as hospitals, schools, prisons, workplaces and local authorities.

     Psychological tests are used in many walks of life to assess ability, personality and behavior, for example, as part of the selection process for job interviews, or to assess children in schools or offenders in prisons.

     There are two many types of psychological test those that measure ability, aptitude or attainment and those designed to assess personal qualities such as personality, beliefs, values or interests, motivation or drive.

Wednesday 1 February 2017


Think about our relationship with God. God gives us many things- food to eat, clothes to wear, friends to talk to, activities to enjoy, dreams to achieve, missions to accomplish. Even if we could have His gifts, our happiness wouldn't be complete without His very Presence, the Gift of Himself.


  I pray I could learn
  To look at people,
  The way God sees each one of us-
  To be able to forego the little mistakes,
  May be even the big ones
  To be able to see weaknesses
  Turned into strength
  To know something hurting
  And yet know that the hurt
  Would be healed in time
  To look beyond judgment
  To see with an understanding heart
  To see what's beautiful
  To appreciate what's good
  To not measure anybody's destiny
  With their present plight
  But to see real hope for everyone
  The way God see us
  To know that those imprisoned
  Have one who will set them free
  To see how the poor
  Will one day bask in God's abundance
  To see the broken hearted
  In days when God himself
  Will cradle them upon His lap
  To be able to see with God's own eyes
  Is to see with gladness,
  With hope,
  And with love so strong
  It could never ever fall !

      I urge you to know
      Who you really are;
      In your eyes,
      In your heart.
      Know thyself,
      Especially your strength.
      Know that which is
      Know that which is
      Know that which has made you
      The unique and wonderful
      Person that you are !

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Hi dear friends,
      Yesterday I send some Shillong views points. Shillong Meghalaya is really a beautiful tourist place, and beautiful climates for staying over there.
      A really nice place for short tour. Friends go and enjoy your self with there side seen.
      I just share my personal pic...


Monday 30 January 2017

Shillong Meghalaya nature views..

Hi friends ,
    You know Meghalaya is a beautiful place for tourism. You can tour at rainy season over there. Their is a beautiful views... Like...root bridge , shnongpdeng Meghalaya, kynrem falls, East kashi hills, elephant fall....

Oriflame men's special

Hi dear friends,
     How r u all...
  We all knows that men also interested to look beautiful. They wants to look handsome and smart. So men can use also Oriflame products for facial purpose, can use beauty product like day cream & night cream, after shave lotion, face wash , perfume and many other products they like...

   Oriflame products has no side effects and very natural . After using these products your face will be glowed and shine.

       Thank you

Oriflame product's lover

Hi frnds,
   Every body wants to look beautiful and smart. I think all knows that Oriflame products are very natural and good for our skin. You can use Veryme for daily purpose, no side effects and glow your skin.

   You know the lipstick of oriflame products is very Smooth and moisturize your lips twenty four hours.

   You can use all type of day cream and night cream also ,those made from alovera.

  Winters base facial cream , face wash, body lotions, even so foot creams are also natural product and good for all skin types.

  So try all products of Oriflame ,glow and shine with that.

    Thank you