Thursday 2 February 2017


Hi friends,
     Today's our topic is psychology, very interesting subject. Maximum people don't know what is psychology ? They don't know what does psychologist do? So today we'll try to understand psychology.
     Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behavior: how we think,feel,act and interact individually and in groups.

     Psychology is a science and psychologist study  human behavior by observing, measuring and testing. Applied psychologist help people with all sorts of problems, working with them to bring about change for the better.

     British psychological society recognizes several areas of psychology in which it is possible to become a chartered psychology:
     * Clinical Psychologist
     * Counselling Psychologist
     * Educational Psychologist
     * Forensic Psychologist
     * Health Psychologist
     * Neuropsychologist
     * Occupational Psychologist
     * Sport and exercise Psychologist
     * Teacher and researchers in psychology.

     Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in both individuals and groups, while also exploring the psychological and neurobiological processes that underlie certain functions and behaviors.

     Psychology incorporates methodological and theoretical approches from the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities.

     Psychological knowledge is applied to understanding and solving problems in many different spheres of human activity, including the assessment and treatment of mental health problems.

     Psychologists work all around us in places such as hospitals, schools, prisons, workplaces and local authorities.

     Psychological tests are used in many walks of life to assess ability, personality and behavior, for example, as part of the selection process for job interviews, or to assess children in schools or offenders in prisons.

     There are two many types of psychological test those that measure ability, aptitude or attainment and those designed to assess personal qualities such as personality, beliefs, values or interests, motivation or drive.

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