Friday 3 February 2017


    Personality psychology is concerned with enduring patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion commonly referred to as personality in individuals.
    According to Freud, personality is based on the dynamic interactions of the ID, EGO, and SUPER- EGO. Raymond Cattel proposed a theory of 16 personality factors.

   Jungian personality typologies, which draw on the theories developed by Carl Gustav Jung (1875- 1916) , a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist and a pioneer of the depth psychology approach. He developed a concept which is highly familiar to us today: the division of people into extroverts and introverts. In addition, he distinguished four personality functions, which form two opposing pairs: SENSING - INTUITION and THINKING - FEELING. He also established that one function is dominant in each pair. He became convinced that each and every person's dominant functions are fixed and independent of external conditions and that, together, what they form is a personality type.
    By Jung, the three dimensions described, namely, EXTRAVERSION - INTROVERSION, SENSING - INTUITION, AND THINKING - FEELING. In 1942 American , psychologist, three dimensional model to include a fourth : JUDGING - PERCEIVING. A four dimensional path, terming those dimensions the FOUR NATURAL INCLINATIONS.
    These inclinations are dichotomous in nature and the picture they provide gives us information regarding a person's personality type. Analysis of the first inclination is intended to determine the dominant SOURCE OF LIFE ENERGY, this being either the exterior or the interior world. Analysis of the second inclination defines the DOMINANT MODE OF ASSIMILATING INFORMATION, which occurs via the senses or via intuition. Analysis of the third inclination supplies a description of the DECISION MAKING MODE, where either mind or heart is dominant, while analysis of the fourth inclination produces a definitions of the dominant LIFESTYLE as either organised or spontaneous. The combination of all these natural inclinations results in SIXTEEN POSSIBLE PERSONALITY TYPES.

    In the next topic we'll know which of the sixteen personality types is yours ?


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